We’re like, the gayest ninjas ever
Inatt drömde jag att Rolling Stones skulle spela i Falköping men jag hade missat det totalt och kunde därför inte gå, det var så otroligt hemskt! Sådana drömmar säger jag nej tack till.
Jag börjar även älska Being Human mer och mer, sådär lagom när det bara är ett avsnitt kvar. Jag älskar fantasy blandat med Brittisk humor, det kan nästan inte bli bättre faktiskt. & George som är varulv är så jävla skön, har alltid nån rolig kommentar på lager.

John Mitchell: So, you've just arrived at Hogwarts, which house do they put you in?
George Sands: I'd like to say Gryffindor, but they're supposed to be brave. What's the other one? Ravenclaw, does that have a characteristic?
John Mitchell: I think they're brainy. You could be in Ravenclaw.
Annie: I quite fancy Hufflepuff actually. I've always thought in Hufflepuff they just spend the day making stuff with safety scissors and glitter.
George Sands: What about you?
John Mitchell: I think that they'd say. It's probably best if you just stay in the canteen for the next five years.
Annie: Does anyone ever 'choose' Slytherin?
George Sands: No, because that would be like saying 'I'm a sociopath.'
Jag börjar även älska Being Human mer och mer, sådär lagom när det bara är ett avsnitt kvar. Jag älskar fantasy blandat med Brittisk humor, det kan nästan inte bli bättre faktiskt. & George som är varulv är så jävla skön, har alltid nån rolig kommentar på lager.

John Mitchell: So, you've just arrived at Hogwarts, which house do they put you in?
George Sands: I'd like to say Gryffindor, but they're supposed to be brave. What's the other one? Ravenclaw, does that have a characteristic?
John Mitchell: I think they're brainy. You could be in Ravenclaw.
Annie: I quite fancy Hufflepuff actually. I've always thought in Hufflepuff they just spend the day making stuff with safety scissors and glitter.
George Sands: What about you?
John Mitchell: I think that they'd say. It's probably best if you just stay in the canteen for the next five years.
Annie: Does anyone ever 'choose' Slytherin?
George Sands: No, because that would be like saying 'I'm a sociopath.'
Postat av: Frida
oh, brittisk humor! <333